Running of the bulls, I found a small tiny itsy-bitsy spot to put my camera through the fence to take pictures. I could see the bulls with my own eyes, but since my camera isn't very fast, all I caught was this one bull's leg on the right side of the photo.
The traditional outfit for the festival of San Fermin is all white with red scarves as accents. EVERYBODY was wearing this. It was so cool that everyone was in the same costume. At this point my outfit is clean, but people were just going around spilling wine on people, because well, that's the tradition.
When Spain won the World Cup, everyone went insane for hours. We took that picture in Puerta del Sol, and there were people crawling and chanting everywhere, in all the fountains, on top of all the statues, on top of the metro dome... insane! So fun!
On Monday there was a huge welcome home parade for the players, and they rode around on a bus so that we could take pictures and all chant "Campeones! Campeones! Ole ole ole!" with them. So cool. I saw those guys in real life! :D
That picture of the crowd in the street is the best way I can describe the fact that all of Madrid/Spain was in the street to see the team. As far back as you can see the street, those are all people. Through the shadows. Everything. So fun!
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