I keep having dreams of getting robbed or attacked by men. Nightmares. This past night I woke myself up because I was actually calling for help in my sleep. I've also jerked myself awake by flailing my arms in defense. This is a bit disconcerting.
I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I'm out of my comfort zone in Spain, and I'm more vulnerable here. There are more cases of theft and robbery here, and I'm at higher risk since I'm a foreigner. I've never actually been in any situation where I felt that I was in danger, but I guess my subconscious knows that the danger is there. My friends have had their things stolen, but not by any confrontation. And probably the dreams are triggered by stress, too. This is the second day of the metro strike and I'm getting a bit bored and restless. At least I have class today that I can walk to.
You're assuming your dreams are actually related to the scenery they're presenting. What else could robbers mean to you?