Thursday, May 13, 2010


I got about 2 hours of sleep, at most on the flight. The first flight to Philadelphia was a breeze. Super quick. Then the 7 hour 40 minute flight started with a whole hour taxi-ing, which sucked. But what was AWESOME was that we each had our own tv screens, you know... where is the question mark key... um....? found it. Anyways, I got to watch two episodes of Flight of the Conchords, laughed my butt off all by myself, then went to sleep, then quit trying to fight my head falling over on the seat, then watched the Blindside, and then all of a sudden the sun was coming up. Ugh. I´m tired right now, but I want to try really, really hard to stay awake until this evening so that I can get back on a normal sleep schedule.

My host mom is super cute and nice, my room is SUPER TINY but cute, I learned to ride the metro effectively (so effectively that two British tourists asked me for directions! ha! i´ve been in this country for 5 hours and i successfully told you how to take the metro to the airport. WIN.), WHY THE HECK AREN´T THE STREET SIGNS CLEARLY POSTED ON THE STREETS IN MADRID PLEASE? I swear I have to keep asking people because so far I haven´t seen the street signs in the same place twice. And I successfully located the international school, seeing as I am here currently using the internet. I supposedly have weeefeeee (wifi, but in spanish) at my apartament, but we´ll see. This constant Spanish thing is hard.

The exhaustion is setting in. I just had a glass of orange juice (jugo de naranjaaaaa) and it was delicious and gave me a bout of energy but really, I feel a severe crash coming on. I should probably eat a real meal, buy a pay-as-you-go cell phone, perhaps a full outfit of leather (these women are so fashionable, i´m wearing a blazer and I feel like a slob), make my way back on the metro to my apartment, and get some sleep. I´ll fix my body clock when I don´t feel like I´m about to fall over.

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